Ahh Pretty Sunset...
HA - Not so much - 11pm, that's not a sunset - that's the glow from the bloody engine fire going on in the rearview!!! Being a wagon made for smokey inside. LOL. Guess Karma's officially one of the family now - I've managed to light every one of my VW's on fire one way or another... It happens. Right?
This was just a little burp outta the carb... which may have had a wee bit of extra starter juice in it - which, when it burped, lite up the engine like Hiroshima. Good thing I had a canvas bank money bag laying around to beat the fire down - don't ask... And good thing for pancake engines - as you can see no damage, just a flash fire... sorta :)

Anyways, good part is, she ran and sounded like a champ - but is looking like needs some gas-line maintenance, tank was drained, but need to work out the injection kinks it seems. So yup, getting close to a voyage on the ashpalt!
Oh - and peel back some of the asbestos undercoating reveils the most pristein pan I've ever owned!! SSAAAWWWEEEETTTT
This was just a little burp outta the carb... which may have had a wee bit of extra starter juice in it - which, when it burped, lite up the engine like Hiroshima. Good thing I had a canvas bank money bag laying around to beat the fire down - don't ask... And good thing for pancake engines - as you can see no damage, just a flash fire... sorta :)
Oh - and peel back some of the asbestos undercoating reveils the most pristein pan I've ever owned!! SSAAAWWWEEEETTTT