Sunday, November 12, 2006

no WAY!

K - FINALLY get pics developed... black-out! Can you believe it!? Pics of KR didn't turn out!! One more reason I need to step up to digital!


I do have one pic to share though - the slice and dice of the past - the crater is filled with red juice, so you can't see the depth - and it was a "blind" pic as I had to hold the camera well back to enable it to even take the shot.

So, since it's not all that bad - I probably don't need an advisory here right?

Notice the limp thumb. Stupid thumb!

So I'm gonna try to borrow a camera to take a few pics to get on here... so lame without pics.

Monday, November 06, 2006

Winter musta come early

Ok - so my true laziness is coming thru... the latest progress on KR:


That's it.

I think I'm in hybernating mode - I could blame it on all the additional work (real-at-work-work) I've been doing - but who gives a sh!t about real work?

Anyways - my other excuse for not having much of an update is due to the fact that I still do not own a digital camera... it's really hard to take pictures and then wait for the roll to be filled b4 developing it... and I'm not inclined to use up the roll on stupid pictures... what's the point in doing that!? All the extra developing charges would have to come out of KR's budget!! And that wouldn't be any good.

Well - excuses must come to an end as the long weekend is coming!!! Yeeaaahhh for Rememberance Day in Saskatchewan!!!

CU sooner than L8R.

btw - once I DO get my filmed developed I'll have an all-encompassing pictorial posting.